Black Ops Hack, Black Ops Cheats, COD Blackops Hacks, Call of Duty Black Ops Hacks, Cheats for Blackops, Black Ops Cheat
Get our ultra fast Call of Duty BlackOps Aimbot hacks and destroy the competition. Our aimbot is the most accurate and fastest aimbot in the scene today. Every aspect of the hack is totally configurable to your playing style. With features like slow-aim and aim-angles you can even use it in competitive matches without being accused of cheating.
The hacks is totally safe online! So you don’t have to worry about being caught by Blackops admins.
Name: Call of Duty Black Ops: Cvar Tool v1.0
Size: 3.81 MB
MD5: 70e1a1f08443e82db63177c0e970260e
What do I do once I download Call of Duty Black Ops: Cvar Tool v1.0?
-Open Cvar Tool v1.0 and upload your savedata to it.
-Select Your System, then click everything you want in the game.
-Now Click Save GameSave.
-Reupload it back to your system.
-Select Your System, then click everything you want in the game.
-Now Click Save GameSave.
-Reupload it back to your system.